1st Quarter
- Smart Contract Deployment ✓
- Website Launch ✓
- Release Whitepaper ✓
- Build Social Media ✓
- Audit & KYC ✓
- Announce Pinksale Fair launch Date ✓
- Initial Marketing ✓
2nd Quarter
- Launch on Pancake Swap ✓
- Telegram Marketing ✓
- 3000 Telegram Members ✓
-Marketing Planning ✓
- Game Preview ✓
3rd Quarter
- Game Launch
-Airdrop to fans
- Integrate TrustWallet
- CMC Listing
- CG Listing
- Huge Twitter Marketing
- Poocoin Ads
- Google Play Ads
- Facebook Ads
4th Quarter
- Billiard Challenge with Elon Musk
- NFT Previews
- NFT Air-Drop Competition for BLDS Holders
- NFT Public Sale
New Year
- Poker Game Launch
- New Site Launch
- All Games in Single Currency
- Migration to New Single Currency
- Live streaming games of tournaments